Wednesday 15 August 2007

7-foot something...Chinese are taller than Americans

What's in the food?

Wow, what are they feeding the kids in China? Yao Ming is the 7-foot 2-inches (2.26 metres) tall NBA star for the Houston Rockets. He's been in the news this month as he's marrying his sweet heart, another basketball player from China, who comes in at 6-foot 2-inches tall (1.9 metres)!

Ok, these two aren't your average rice-yammin' Chinese citizens, but NPR noted that the Chinese are gaining height, whilst the Americans are stuck at an average 5-foot 9-inches! And we all know the advantages that tall folk have over the height-challenged...

It's gotta stop

It's was interesting to read that, even though Yao Ming is fairly traditional (he got married back at home and close to his fiance's hometown), he is trying to bring attention to something that has been worrying me...The demand for exotic animal parts for Chinese cuisine due to folklore or superstitious beliefs.

The NBA Houston Rockets centre has been active in environmental protection and last year Yao Ming pledged to stop eating shark's fin soup which is considered a Chinese delicacy. The shark's fin is the only part that is valuable ($300+/lb) so fisherman just slice off the fin and dump the shark back to drown in the sea - a practice called 'finning'.

Ironically, this dish would've certainly been on the wedding banquet menu as it's a sign of wealth and prestige. By speaking up, Yao Ming has raised the awareness of the cruel and senseless practice within and outside of China.

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